12 Characteristics of a Simple Person to Emulate for More Happiness

12 Characteristics of a Simple Person to Emulate for More Happiness

What does it mean to be a simple person? The answer might surprise you! At one point, calling someone a “simple person” might have been an insult, along the lines of referring to them as a “simpleton”. However, the modern definition of what makes someone a simple person has shifted somewhat to refer to those…

10 Tips for Living on One Income and Not Feeling Broke & Poor

10 Tips for Living on One Income and Not Feeling Broke & Poor

When you’re a one-income household, every penny counts. Families that want or need to live on one income might worry about feeling poor or broke, or worse, running out of money. These feelings are natural, but can be very stressful! There have been multiple times in our life when our family had to live on…

“One-in-One-Out Rule” is the SECRET to a Clutter-Free Home!

“One-in-One-Out Rule” is the SECRET to a Clutter-Free Home!

Clutter is creepy. If you’ve ever decluttered one day only to find yourself surrounded by piles of stuff soon afterward, you know what I mean! If that sounds like you, allow me to introduce you to a life-changing concept: the one in, one out rule! Minimalists and decluttering veterans know that maintaining an equilibrium of stuff…

Less is More: 21 Reasons to Make It Your Life’s Mantra

Less is More: 21 Reasons to Make It Your Life’s Mantra

What does the phrase “less is more” mean to you? As more and more people embrace the concepts of minimalism and simple living, they are opening up to accepting the revolutionary idea that “more” isn’t necessarily a good thing. After all, always wanting more can rapidly morph into owning too much, which means more stress,…