10 Decluttering Mistakes to Avoid (If You Want to Succeed)

10 Decluttering Mistakes to Avoid (If You Want to Succeed)

Let’s make sure you are set up for complete decluttering success by walking through the top ten biggest decluttering mistakes that undermine decluttering success. Believe me, I’ve made all of these mistakes and then some! When I first started decluttering my home with the KonMari method, the first few categories went smoothly. I started by…

30 Life-Changing Minimalist Blogs to Follow in 2023

30 Life-Changing Minimalist Blogs to Follow in 2023

Here is a list of 30 popular minimalist blogs to kickstart your journey towards living with less. You can find all the best must-read minimal blogs on topics ranging from frugal minimalism, minimalist style, extreme minimalism, family minimalism, and more! Minimalism has been gaining popularity over recent years, and there are now so many helpful,…

10 Tips to Stop Impulse Buying Total CRAP (and Save More Money!)

10 Tips to Stop Impulse Buying Total CRAP (and Save More Money!)

Question: what does impulse buying have in common with the road to hell? Answer: they are both paved with good intentions! Have you ever walked into Target with the intention to buy milk and diapers, only to walk out and realize you bought everything but milk and diapers? If so you have fallen victim to…

What is the KonMari Method? 20 Do’s and Don’ts

What is the KonMari Method? 20 Do’s and Don’ts

Marie Kondo’s book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing isn’t just a book — it’s a revolution! The KonMari Method declares an all-out war on the tyranny of stuff in a world of McMansions and wanton clutter. Her KonMari decluttering method is accompanied by the claim that not only can it clear…

Top 20 Be Yourself Quotes (to Embrace the Skin You’re In!)

Top 20 Be Yourself Quotes (to Embrace the Skin You’re In!)

The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday. These top 20 be yourself quotes will help remind you of your self-worth and encourage you to embrace yourself for exactly who you are – flaws, quirks, and all. It’s time to be unapologetically YOU!! We are constantly told…

10 Benefits of Minimalism (That Experts SWEAR Are True!)

10 Benefits of Minimalism (That Experts SWEAR Are True!)

There’s a lot of anecdotal evidence about the benefits of minimalism, but the skeptic in you may wonder, is this for real? You can decide for yourself after reading these ten mind-blowing minimalism benefits that are actually backed by science! Watch the video: Share this Minimalism Benefits Info on your site <p><strong>Please include attribution to…