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Download the #1 SMART Goals Template [PDF]

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Do you want to set goals for your business but don’t know how? If you’re having trouble putting your goals into words, let alone forming a plan on how to achieve them, then this SMART goals template is perfect for you.

This simple SMART goals worksheet printable can guide you as you struggle to put your dreams, goals, and ambitions into words and help you articulate those scary-big plans you have for your future.

But not only that, as you create a SMART goals plan, you’re also making a roadmap that shows you everything you need to do to turn your goals into a reality.

Read on to learn more about SMART goals, what they are, and how to complete this printable SMART goals worksheet for maximum success.

READ MORE: 100 Personal Goal Examples to Set for Yourself in 2022

A woman downloading a SMART goals template printable

What is a SMART goal?

A SMART goal is simply a goal-writing technique that describes how to write a plan as an outline to achieve that goal.

The “SMART” in SMART goal is an acronym, which stands for:

  • S = Specific
  • M = Measurable
  • A = Attainable
  • R = Relevant
  • T = Time-based

When you write a goal using the SMART goal method, you aren’t just clarifying your ideas but also mapping out the process to actually reaching that goal.

You can find out more about the SMART goal method, how to write SMART goals, and get helpful examples on everything from career to losing weight by checking out the blog post linked below.

READ MORE: How to Write SMART Goals: 35 Examples + Template [PDF] 

An infographic on how to write SMART goals

The #1 SMART Goals Template PDF Printable

Are you ready to get started working towards your dreams?

If so, just click the link to be taken to the printable SMART goals template seen below – it has everything you need to get starting writing down your goals.

This simple yet powerful SMART goals worksheet comes in the standard US paper size of 8.5″ x 11″ and is available for you to download and print off instantly at home.

A SMART goal printable planner to set and achieve goals

Why is this the BEST SMART goals worksheet?

SMART goals are my bread and butter – literally!

As someone who worked as a hospital rehabilitation SLP (that’s “speech-language pathologist) treating adults who suffered from stroke, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson’s, and more, SMART goals weren’t just important – they were CRITICAL.

Not only is it essential to identify what behaviors or skills to target with your patient, but it also is crucial to get paid for your services.

Poor goal writing can result in your patient getting your services denied by insurance companies.

ABOUT ME: Life is tough – believe me, I know! I lost my parents, my childhood home, and was $25,000 in debt – and then this happened!

Close up of a SMART goals template

Want to write better SMART goals?

Bad or lazy goal writing also means you are less likely to be able to help your patients meet their goals; bad for them and bad for you!

This SMART goals template was created based on the techniques hammered into my head while studying for my master’s, which were put into practice as a medical professional.

I’ve been using it to write and meet my biggest goals for the past 12 years.

SMART goals have helped us:

RELATED POST: How to Make a Vision Board That ACTUALLY Works!

How to download this SMART goals template 

Just click the image or button or click right here to be taken to my shop to see this SMART goal template.

You can also browse the rest of my helpful printables, planners, and budgeting tools to help with you everything from saving money to meal planning.

We are all about goals here, and I can’t wait to help you get started on achieving yours!

Good luck and happy goal-setting to you!

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A SMART goal printable planner to set and achieve goals

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