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18 Incredible Before & After Declutter Photos That Dropped My Jaw

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There’s nothing more motivating than a good declutter before and after picture! These decluttering images show you what REAL cluttered rooms look like before and after decluttering – my jaw was on the floor after seeing some of these incredible photos!

If you’re dreaming of a tidy home but you can’t see past all that clutter, perhaps you just need a little visual incentive to get you going.

Remember, you don’t have to go full-on minimalist and declutter your entire home all at once to start reaping the benefits of a clutter-free home.

When you look at these cluttered room transformations, remind yourself that everyone has to start somewhere, and all of these ladies were in your shoes at one point!

Declutter Before and After Photos

Check out these amazing before and after decluttering results for a healthy dose of motivation that will make you want to get up and start decluttering right now!

After you do, make sure to check out these blog posts to help get you started!

Also, here are two bonus declutters from my readers!

I reached out to you guys and asked for your before and after decluttering photos, and most of you told me you didn’t even THINK to take a “before” picture when you started.

I totally get that because I was 3 years into my minimalism journey before I started documenting anything!

Here are the two before and after pics I got from you guys. 🙂

READ MORE: Top 10 Organizing Blogs to Follow to Tidy Up in 2022

17. Sink counter before and after decluttering

I know it doesn’t seem very exciting, but I have kept my bathroom counter exactly like this for a month now. Consistency is key for me!! Maintaining this means I can move on to the next area and keep it decluttered, too!!

– Leslie M.

Real mom kitchen sink declutter before and after

18. Before and after bookshelf declutter

I’m a self-declared collector of books and office supplies, but these are the things that pile up in my bedroom and on the dining table, causing my husband and me intense anxiety.

I love how much I narrowed things down! I still need to work on my son’s toys, but there’s something that tugs on my heartstrings whenever I try to minimize more.

My goal isn’t to have bare walls or 5 toys to choose from but to be more intentional with what I bring into our home and into our time.

I appreciate you so much, Marissa! Thank you for sharing your story with us all.

Riley, a fellow blogger

(No, thank YOU for sharing, Riley! ~ Marissa)

A small bookshelf declutter

MORE HELP: 20 Helpful Tips for When You Feel Overwhelmed by Life

Final thoughts on decluttering before and afters

I hope you found these declutter before and after images motivating, inspiring, or helpful!

If you want to get started decluttering your own home, make sure to grab your FREE 10-page decluttering checklist and planner down below.

You can also check out any of these related posts on decluttering and minimalism.

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  1. Dear Marissa, why do we see only 2 before-after-pics (no. 17 and no. 18); where are the no. 1-16? Or did I get sth wrong?? 🙄 warm regards, Maria

    1. Hello, dear Maria! I was working to split my blog to this new blog, and there was a technical glitch that messed up this post – it should be fixed now for your decluttering motivation. 🙂 Cheers!

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